Grading My 2014 Napa County Cabernet Sauvignon Acreage Forecast
In 2015, I presented at the Vineyard Economics Seminar. At that point, we only had acreage data through 2014. The presentation was made...
Interactive Chart of the Last 27 Years of Napa Cabernet Prices by Percentile
So, sometimes I'm deep into a client project and I hit a wall. My work quality drops, my productivity falls. In some cases, I just do...

The Three Horsemen of the Grapepocalypse, Part 2: The Coming Recession
Three weeks ago, I posted my first installment of this series about the coming Grapepocalypse, which discussed the effects of the...

The Three Horsemen of the Grapepocalypse, Part 1: Revenge of the Grape Market Cycle
Lately, there has been a lot of talk about how we’re due to see a downturn in the wine market. As those of you who have gotten a glass...

Napa County Cabernet Sauvignon by Price Level
In a previous post, I put up a new Grape Data Tool tutorial video explaining how to use the tool to evaluate Cabernet Sauvignon prices by...
Using the Grape Data Tool to Evaluate the Dynamics of the North Coast's Highest-Priced Grapes, P
In my continuing push to get people to use my free Grape Data Tool, I've made another tutorial video. This one shows how to use the...

Half of all Napa vineyards may be Cabernet Sauvignon by 2025.
Since 1994, Cabernet Sauvignon's share of Napa vineyard land has increased by roughly 50%. Other red Bordelais varieties have, as a...

Maybe Napa Cabernet Sauvignon Prices Aren't That High!
My two favorite people from Uppsala are both named David. The first is David the Gnome and the second is David Morrison at The Wine...
Will Napa re-plant to varieties other than Cabernet Sauvignon?
Tom Wark recently expressed some hope in his Fermentation Blog that Napa growers who, according to a Wines & Vines article, are going to...

Inflation-Adjusted Napa Cabernet Sauvignon Prices
As part of my continuing project to make available to the industry charts from different projects I've worked on, here is a chart of Napa...