The Three Horsemen of the Grapepocalypse, Part 2: The Coming Recession
Three weeks ago, I posted my first installment of this series about the coming Grapepocalypse, which discussed the effects of the...
Price per Ton vs. Tons per Acre in Sonoma County
As part of my push to release graphs I have made to the industry for their use, I am posting this graph that shows for five top...
Pinot Noir and Chardonnay Prices and Yields for All-North Coast
Sometimes we need prices that don't line up with the USDA-NASS Pricing districts. In fact, I often do. Usually that means we need...
The relationship (or lack thereof) between scores, prices and appellations
Summary: Scores, prices and appellations of wines from a subset of premium wines, continue to be unpredictable. No statistical modeling...