Quick Take on the Latest Acreage Numbers
The recently-released Acreage Report indicates a 20% increase in non-bearing acreage over last year. That is possibly an enormous jump...
The 2018 Acreage Report is Out
Download the USDA-NASS Grape Acreage Report right here. #acreage #data #nass
How Should You Judge Wine Grape Price Forecasts?
So, I have posted many forecasts and scored many forecasts on this blog. But it may be difficult for you to determine if my forecasts...
Sonoma County Chardonnay Prices
Work is getting to be really busy. I've realized that, though I really focus on forecasting, this industry has a lot of need for more...
The Canary in the Coal Mine: Lake County Wine Grape Prices Fall by 9%
Update (4:43p, 4/18/19): The Lake County Winegrowers Association e-mailed me with some more information: "Thanks to a near-perfect...
Predicting Washington Wine Grape Prices
I've been looking for new regions to sell my services in. I love Sonoma and Napa, but I enjoy getting clients from other regions. Last...
The Crush Report is Here! Acreage Report Due Friday
So, the Crush Report dropped on April 10th, as expected in my last update on the matter. Usually I'm on top of that, as soon as it...