Regional Shares of California's Wine Grape Market by Yields, Acreage and Grape Sales Revenue
My last blog post included a new tutorial video showing how to use the Grape Data Tool to create charts depicting the what share of the...
Fully-Updated, Fully-Functional Version of the World's Best Grape Data Tool is Now Available
As many of you know, several years ago I built out a dashboard for accessing much of the Grape Crush Report and Grape Acreage Report data...
Maybe Marijuana Legalization is a Real Threat to Wine Sales
I and Tom Wark, at have had an ongoing debate over whether or not marijuana legalization is a threat to wine...
New Trade Environment Bad for US Wine Exporters
When it comes to policy changes emanating from Washington, the domestic wine industry's main worry is rightfully the constriction of our...
First Evidence We Should Worry About Marijuana Legalization
A recent study looked at how medical marijuana legalization has influenced alcohol consumption. The study is solid, with falsification...
The Greatest Threat to the Wine Industry in the Post-Firestorm World
Not that long ago, my main concern was whether Healdsburg and my home would be intact as I drove away and whether we could find clean air...
Recommended Prices for El Dorado Wine Grapes - 2017
I was recently asked by the El Dorado Wine Grape Growers Association to produce recommended prices. Not exactly forecasts, more of an...
Maybe Napa Cabernet Sauvignon Prices Aren't That High!
My two favorite people from Uppsala are both named David. The first is David the Gnome and the second is David Morrison at The Wine...
NPR Article on Sideways
Kristen Hartke quoted me a bunch for a good article about the "Sideways Effect" for NPR's The Salt:
Grape Data Tool Tutorial
Lew Perdue has been kind enough to repeatedly remind me that, though my Grape Data Tool is both free and useful, that people in our...