Bulk Wine Price Volatility vs. Grape Price Volatility
I have an article coming out in Wines & Vines, if it’s not already out. In the article, I look into growers turning to bulk wine...
Updated Grape Data Tool (1991-2015)
I finished updating my grape data tool and am again making it available to the public. With this tool, you can quickly and easily pull...
Standardized Codes for Varieties and Appellations
For those of you who regularly read my blog, well, I guess you haven’t been reading it lately, since I haven’t been posting. Just too...

Will Marijuana Legalization Reduce Wine Consumption?
Sometimes I think that the wine industry is like a hypochondriac. We have plenty of immediate worries: the macroeconomy, overplanting,...

A chart of how women's educational attainment correlates to a country's per capita wine cons
This chart and the table below it show the World Economic Forum ranking for 142 countries for which data exists, by women’s educational...

The Relative Importance of Each Winegrape District
I am releasing another chart for public use. Just please keep the attribution in. The bars show the percentage of statewide, total...

The Napa Paradox - Cabernet vs. Diversification by the Numbers
In May I presented at the Vineyard Economics Seminar. One topic I focused on was the paradox of the continuing concentration on Cabernet...

Per Capita Wine Consumption in the US by Decade
There are three things that I think hold this industry back: 1) Under-utilization of data and objective facts. 2) Duplication of...
Is the Vox Video True? Is Expensive Wine for Suckers?
So, as I’m sure happens to many of my readers, anytime someone sees a news article about wine, I’m asked, “Is it true?” Typically, this...

Cognitive Biases in the Wine Industry, Part 2: Confirmation Bias
Cognitive Biases in the Wine Industry, Part 2: Confirmation Bias This is the second article in a series that focuses on how our brains,...