Cognitive Biases in The Wine Industry: Part 1, The Fundamental Attribution Error
In my line of work there is, of course, an enormous emphasis on data, facts, evidence and logic. These are the fundamentals of making...

Are Grape Prices Rising Too Fast? By the Numbers
The other day I posted to this blog claiming that, though grape prices have been rising faster than bottle prices in recent years, they...
Pinot Noir and Chardonnay Prices and Yields for All-North Coast
Sometimes we need prices that don't line up with the USDA-NASS Pricing districts. In fact, I often do. Usually that means we need...
District-by-District Review of the Crush Report
This was posted recently in the Wine Industry Advisor. It is the first part of a three-part review of the crush report by district....
Sonoma County Chardonnay Update
District 3 Chardonnay Update For someone in Sonoma County and/or the wine industry, Sonoma County means Dry Creek Zinfandel, Alexander...
Review of the 2014 Grape Crush Report
I was an English major. Many of my fellow English majors probably dreamed of doing book reviews for periodicals like The New Yorker. ...
Sonoma County Zinfandel Update - VFA Gets It Right Again
Sonoma County Zinfandel Update In 2013, District 3 Zinfandel sold for an average of $2498.88 per ton. In case you’re not familiar with...
Product Review: Wines & Vines Wholesaler Database
So, we’ve got a week until the crush report comes out and I am going to try to do a light blog post every day or two until then. The...
Deflategate, Data and Debate: A Football Scandal as a Learning Opportunity for Winegrowers
WARNING: This post is long, may be offensive to Patriots fans and also includes math. Sometimes little things in this world drive me...
The relationship (or lack thereof) between scores, prices and appellations
Summary: Scores, prices and appellations of wines from a subset of premium wines, continue to be unpredictable. No statistical modeling...